Parents remember the saying that goes : " Catch them young" refers to all things in life whether good or bad and since we all know that the days we live in are evil coupled with the fact that we have a duty to protect our little ones at all times, I bring to your door step this bombshell: LITTLE CHILDREN EVEN BELOW THE AGES OF TEN ARE NOW SEXUALLY ACTIVE". Many of usparents are too busy pirsuing our careers that we hardly have the time to monitor our kids and spend meaningful time with them anymore. We often leave them unsupervised in the care of nannys, child crae-givers, house helps and maid servants or relatives. The things they see, watchvia television, hear form all manners of sources are therefore not monitored by us. This tends to expose them too early to societal vices such all manners of illicit tele-medias and broad ady light immorality. Some of our kids are even sadly molested or sexually abused by most of these persons whom we push aour parenting responsiblities to for far too long befeore we get to find out.
A recent survey on our older primary school pupils reavealed that five in every ten primary school child aged between six to eleven years of age are prematuredly exposed to sex negatively and become victims of one form of sexual abuse or the other with another statistics saying that over half of that number enjoying the sexual escapades and secretly continuing in it without the oarent's knowlege. This is why we as parents desiring to bring up Godly children we would be proud of in this perverse generation must as a matter of urgent responsibility take it upon ourselves to give our children and wards sex education at home first before the corrupt society does outside (because they surely will). Sit your above five (5) year old child (both male and female children beacuse noi gender is exempted ffrpm sexual abuse or sexual immorality) and properly educating your child on the dangers of engaging in premature and pre-marital sex using even pictures and other forms of visual illustrations to drive home yoru points.
This trend has distroyed many promising homes and children as some even go as far as committing incest (i.e amorous sexual relationship between siblings, blood relatives and even parents with their own children) TUFIAKWA!
Like I said earlier do not limit this mandatory parent/child conversation to just any particular gender of children (e.g the female children) because you think they are most vulnerable to being abused such as being raped or getting pregnant, remember even boys are being molested and raped these days and rememeber also that sexually transmitted diseases have no gender discrimination as it can infect and damage the life/future of any body who is unfortunate to become a victim.
This plea is for every parent who doesn't want to grow old some day and sadly discover that their children who should be their pride and heritage have been lost with their futures destroyed by avoidable and premature sexual escapades, all on the altar of the pursuit of wealth, fame or some other vain and vague plaeasure of life that has no lasting legacy or spiritual importance. BE ALERT!
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