
Friday, April 19, 2019

How to beat body odour

Two days ago, on my way to work in the morning, I was unfortunate to sit with this very beautiful and nicely dressed lady in a commercial transport here in my city, and as the journey progressed, with little or no sufficient air coming into the bus for the passengers to inhale, we all beagn to perceive to my disgust the unwanted smell of body odour from one of our fellow passengers and I was still far from getting to my destination. I practiaclly had to hold my breathe with a little forced exhalation the whole time. Due to the fact that I sat next to the lady responsible for the smell polluting our noses I had a hard time communicating with anyone plus myself the entire time I was in that bus while trying not to embrass her further. As I alighted from the vehicle, thoughts of the issue of body odour, its causes, solutions and permanent healing came to my mind .

To have or know someone who has the problem of body odour is not a joke. It is irritating, repulsive, frustrating and disastrous. It could be as bad as one having a full blown HIV/AIDS status. It is caused by the bacteria on the skin mixed with unwashed sticky sweat on the skin that brings about the foul smell. When the poor hygiene of an individual results in waste products of bacterial metabloism from lack of insufficient bathing habit particularly in people of greater keratin secretion (i.e the skin colour gland), then a foul body odour emits which is secreted from the apocrine glands located in the underarms/armpits, genitals, hans, feet,face and chest.
There are certain known practical scientific solutions to this but the surest and commonest is that an individual suffering from this must make it a conscious habit to bathe regularly at least twice (2) a day, thoroughly washing worst hit areas of his/her body as mentioned above, as well as observing a strict personal and environmental hygiene resume'. Victims of this major body turn off must always avoid getting badly bruised or injured as this could also worsen his/her problem.

Furthermore, people dealing with the problem of body odour must avoid poorly ventilated, crowdy or congested places as this could lead to the outburst of this foul smell. Also he or she must learn to make deodorants, body perfumes and colognes a close friend.

Encourage anyone you know with this problem to take these steps as well as visit a dermatologist for medical and other scientific solutions... Thanks and God Bless. 

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