
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

This and That about marriage

When you let God lead you to the spouse or life partner that He preserved you for, it will all fall into place beautifully. His or her heart won't be in any way cracked how much more broken. You may need to wait long for him or her to come along and watch many others jump the broom before you but your waiting is never a waste. His best for may not always come in your dream package but since God will never give you a blessing of management, then he or she will never need fixing at all. He or she will just be your perfect fit and everything you NEED in life to fulfill destiny.
  • Never view marriage as a business agreement or contract. It's way deeper than that. Marriage is a spiritual covenant and bond between three parties with God as the first and most important personality if it's to become inseparable, unbreakable and untouchable by the kingdom of darkness. Your spouse is not a business competitor but a destiny and purpose assistant. Your marriage is not everybody's business and your spouse's weakness is not for public consumption or caricature. Your spouse is not "our wife" or "our husband", he or she is your wife or your husband alone. After your relationship, love, commitment and zeal for God, the next devotion is your spouse and marriage before your career, ministry or business. The day you feel too big or proud to submit yourself in marriage, it doesn't matter how wealthy you become, you are doomed before God. If the wheels of your marriage gets faulty along the way, you don't throw away the entire vehicle of your marriage, you turn to God alone to fix it.

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