
Friday, April 19, 2019

Today is Good Friday

Good morning to everybody and solemn Good Friday observations to us all! We all know that we are about to round up our annual Lenten observation (Lent is a 40-day fast which all christians particularly of the orthodox denominations observe annually in solemn rememberance of Jesus' 40 days fast in the wilderness which is rounded up with the passion week with His arrest, prosecution, persecution, suffering, crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection on Easter sunday morning), as we have just entered Good Friday today. One may ask what Good Friday is? It is the friday in the Holy Week (which begun last week sunday as Palm sunday) when we as christians solemnly remember the crucifixion and death of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Some othermchristian denominations call the whole of this week Passion Week as the real essence of our christian calling and salvation is brought to the fore and celebrated with the sufferings, death and ressurection of Christ. Personally my Lenten observance this year was poor as so many distractions of life and family took my attention off this mandatory spiritual walk with God. But as far as this Passion week is concerned, I have tried to make up a bit for my careless oversight. Good Friday observations across churches are usually characterised with long and solemn church services, drama presentations and expressions of  the event of that day and processional walks by the congregations with the cross and chantings of sorrow at the death of our Lord Jesus.

So why the name ansd title "Good Friday" one might ask? Well, its due to the fact that on this very day over 2000 years ago, the Son of God was killed and died for the sins of the whole human race. The Bible says He bore the iniquity of us all and by His stripes we are healed and made whole. On that day, He exchanged His Life for ours and paid the price nobody else and no other blood can pay. That is why we Christians refer to this day as being a Good Friday.

Remember John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him might not perish but have everlasting life. The gift of salvation is free as the blood of Jesus on the cross has paid the price and bought us over to become heirs, and children of God by His adoption, All we need do is accept Him into our lives and hearts and confess with our lips that His Lord and master over your life, turn away from a life of wilful sin and run the Christain race faithfully with the hope of eternal life in view. 

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