
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Vital Lessons I learnt from the event and celebration of Jesus' Resurrection.

The season of lent and easter may have come and gone, but the mood and various lessons learnt is still very fresh in the hearts of many especially the children of God who are Christians. As for me, it is a period of deep sober reflection, personal re-evaluation and appraisal. The Book of Matthew 28 from Verse 1 captures most succinctly the resurrection account/story of of  our Lord Jesus Christ. For me personally, I have never had a whollistic understanding and impactful experience of the meaning of lent and easter for myself as I did this year, and I would love to share with everyone vital lessons that sank within me from the memorial of Christ's death and resurrection.

  1. Resurrection is not just an event or story we read about or celebrate religiously every year, resurrection is a person, a being and that is the person of Jesus. Remember the story of Jesus' raising Lazarus from the dead back to life after four days in the grave as captured in the book of John 11:25 when He said to Mary the sister of Lazarus that He is the resurrection and the Life. Jesus replicated and re-emphasized this truth about His power by His own resuurection as He and the prophets of old had prophesied it.
  2. The resurrection of Christ is the open demonstration of the defeat of the devil as he made an open spectacle of them all  (Col 2:15), and a re-assurance of the victory we have as believers in the hope of our own resurrection with Christ after we leave this world. 
  3. You can be rest assured that as believers that whenever God makes us a promise through His word or through or as regards a specific request we've made to Him, that He (God) would definitely answer and deliver on His word and promises as He is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should repent (Numbers 23:19). The ways and timing of God is never the same as man's , therefore he sets His own divine timing to the fulfilment and manifestation of every single promise He has made. 
  4. No matter how silent or "slow" God might seem to our frail human thinking, nothing ever takes Him by surprise nor can anything ever shake His eternal supreme authority as God. He must surely show up at the worst imposible moment. He can never fail on His word or prupose for the earth or for the lives of His children. 
  5. Just one visitation of God upon a man's life is all it takes to turn it around for good forever snd give him/her a testimony that he or she would never stop sharing.
If you have been blessed by my own personal rhema of the celebration of easter, comment and share your thoughts and testimonies with us.

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