
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Welcome to the month of God's Grace

Hello blessed people and welcome to this new beautiful month of may. The fifth month of the year and of course spiritually, the month of grace. I personally acronymed this month "Miracles Awaits You" or "Miracles Are Yours". The month when the Grace of God is limitless and the month preceeding the half of the year and that the year is seriously on the run.

So what are your plans for this new month? Today being the 1st day of the month of may is workers' day and workers everywhere would be resting from work and marking the day with workers' day celebrations everywhere.
As for me, I have written a short but deep heartfelt resolution to follow through personally this month as it affects my spiritual life and time with God, family, work, blogging, time manangement issues and most certainly, my finances. Shifting my focus from less important and valuable things around me to things and people that matter the most. Setting achievable goals for myself particularly with my blogging career and watching myself grow and excel.

I've also learnt to stop selling myself short, sabotaging myself or my dreams and purpose because I know that a man is a product of his (or her) own thoughts. To stop speaking what I see as my current reality but rather confessing with faith what God says and His word concerning my life and family even they are yet to manifest physically.  To delete from my thinking, lack of ambition, fear of any kind, low self esteem if any, panic or anxiety. 

These are but a few of my goals for this new beautiful month God has graciously brought us to... So what are yours? Comment and share

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