I can sense in my spirit that a lot of people have internalized anger eating them deep on the inside. Even though they look pretty and well polished on the outside, their inside is no better than a white-washed sepulchre. They are angry with every single person they have come across in life, they are angry with life itself (little wonder why suicide is on a dangerous increase), and worse still, they are angry with God. They are so angry that being unnecessarily aggresive and difficult has become a second nature to them. Maybe it's the loss of someone dear to them, a costly disappointment they've suffered, a career or health challenge, a nagging problem, stagnation in life, marital woes, an impossible to please spouse e.t.c, they are just plain Mad at the whole world! Some are so mad at God and have so much hardened their hearts and at life generally that they can take a life (whether theirs or another's) without blinking an eyelid.
Well, I have come to tell you that your anger is misplaced. Whether that anger is at God or at a fellow human being, your warfare is never canal, but against the wickedness of this world and the rulers of the kingdom of darkness in high places. (Ephesians 6: 12). why is it that we are in the habit of constantly blaming our ever loving God for everything that goes wrong in our lives? Some of us dwell in the erroneous thinking that our anger and rebellion against God would get His attention or probably shake His throne and authority as God. Sometimes we think that we can actually "get back" at God through indulging in a deliberate sin. This attitude only ends up putting us in a deeper pit.
If you think I am telling you to disconnect with your current reality of life, or just pretend that everything is ok with you whereas your entire world is crashing helplessly in your face then you've got me all wrong. What I am saying to you is that for every negativity that happens in your life, there is a spiritual and divine explanation for it for we all know that the spirit controls the physical. It's either you have backsliden into a sinful life, bearing a grudge/unforgiveness against someone, have wittled down your prayer and spiritual life e.t.c
Honestly, I have once been in this pit of life once but then I learnt that being angry at God or at the world only worsens thing for me and pushes away the people (especially God) whom will be of help (sent by Him) in those trying times. I learnt that trusting God in tough times and allowing the leading of the Holy Spirit to guide me through was all I needed to pull through because our God never fails and is always faithful.
You have to make a deliberate decision today to repent from this attitude and every secret sin that only further drives you down into the bottomless pit of frustration. Give your life to Christ today and re-dedicate your life/destiny to Him who knows your end from the beginning and He who began even before the beginning begun. Never forget that for the mere fact that you openly accepted and confessed Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, you have become a declared enemy and a target for the devil to try?
What then do I do you may ask? You must make the Word of God a living standard for your life daily as you navigate this planet earth and stay stuck on to Jesus as your only source and deliverer no matter what the enemy may try to throw at you.
Life has no duplicate and the salvation of your soul should be non-negotiable to you before the enemy.
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