
Thursday, April 18, 2019

Words have Power...Use them well

According to the books of Proverbs15:4 and James 3:5, the Holy Bible tells us of the incredible power the tongue has over a life and the destiny of a soul. Not minding the fact that it is one of the smallest parts with no bones in it, the tongue can build an individual to greatness or destroy it to absolute nothingness. Hence the need to use the tongue (i.e speak/speech) with wisdom and caution whether to a child or an adult at all times. Since we all know that words once spoken out and its initial impact can never be taken back no matter remorseful you might later be, there is a very great need to be quick to listen but slow to speak.
Have you ever wondered why God created all of us with two ears but with only one mouth? If no, then you might want to look closely and evaluate your relationships with people both indoors and outdoors. Your spouse, siblings, friends, colleagues, neighbours, children, parents, relatives etc. If you are like me and the result of your personal evaluation is poor, then you have a lot of work to do within yourself to improve your socio-personal interaction level.

Don't just say it doesm't matter or that just the way you are, you really need to consciously work on it daily to change the way you speak to others and possibly your mannerisms, body language, tone, choice of words and after reactions e.t.c.

Negative or dererogatory words constantly deposited in the psyche of any person (most especially a child), if not checked and quickly corrected can lead to poor self image/esteem, bottled up anger, hatred, rebellion  and shame on its victim later on in life.

So from now onwards whenever you want to speak first of all make sure your words and tone are edifying, understandable objective and accurate, if not simply adopt the awesome principle of  "SILENCE IS GOLDEN".

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