
Thursday, April 29, 2021

The testimony of the Cross


Christians all over the world recently commemorated and celebrated the triumphant death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ which secured our Victory over Satan and all the entire arsenal of hell and their agents. Therefore we the Children of God,  called and consecrated for his kingdom purpose are living life from the victory of the Cross and it numerous testimonies that it brought to all who believe according to the Word of God in His scriptures tells us in John 3:16 which says that for God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life and 1 John 5:4 which says that everyone born of God overcomes the world, this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith. So let's share a few of the major testimonies, the victory of the death of Christ Jesus brought for believers:

1. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ has secured our victory over sin. 

2. The death of Christ Jesus brought for us victory over death and our priceless salvation that is the 2nd death which is eternal damnation and condemnation in hell. 

3. The death of Christ Jesus made us victorious over Satan and all his agents and against all his evil. 

4. The death of Christ Jesus made us dangerous weapons in the hands and for the use of our Lord Jesus (our indefatigable warrior)  to defeat the kingdom of darkness. 

5. The death of Christ Jesus brought us victory over sickness and all human problems.

6. The death of Our Lord Jesus gave us the mandate of bringing the good news of the finished work of God's Salvation and of His Word to the ends of the earth. 

7. The death of Christ Jesus made us soul winners for the kingdom of God in order to depopulate hell and populate heaven ( HEAVEN AND HELL ARE REAL,  AND RAPTURE IS SURE SOON TO HAPPEN).

The only way to key in and partake of the heavenly benefits of the death and resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,  you need to open up your heart, invite and receive Him into your life as your own Lord and personal Saviour, GET GENUINELY BORN AGAIN, finding a genuine Bible Believing and professing church to grow in the faith and in the Spirit of God and consciously remain on track and conscious of His 2nd coming which is soon to happen. 

1 comment:

  1. You need to open up your heart, invite and receive Him into your life as your own Lord and personal Saviour - there is nothing I agree with more than this! I would just like to share how grateful I am for Pastor Keion Henderson. He has blessed my life so much. He is transparent and speaks to the heart of what I need to hear. I first came across him when I saw the interview with Bishop Jakes and instantly became a fan. Love listening to black preachers preaching. I now always listen to his sermons on Youtube and his Podcasts and I love his approach - his real life way of relating to people and the problems and cares we face. He is ​motivational on every level and is creatively solid in his way of sharing faith.


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