
Monday, March 21, 2022

Consistency and Persistence Truly Pays... A Short Story

This is an emergency and interesting story I want to share below πŸ‘‡, and a testimony.

Many of you guys may not know but I got interested in blogging in the year 2012, immediately after my law school and call to the Nigerian Bar. 

Being the inquisitive and enterprising person that I am, I started off immediately as a crass and unrefined amateur who knew nothing about her newly found interest but I had determination and enthusiasm to learn all... or at least enough to get my by in the blog space.

So I checked out the most popular blog - building websites such as Blogger, WordPress, Wix and so on, as well as other sites to see how to design and beautify mine, and after much looking around I settled for the blogger platform because of its several easy to use features. I still use blogger till date and I don't see myself migrating to another anytime soon. I then built my first newbie blog. The first of many...

For the records, this very blog is about my eighth (8th) attempt, so you can imagine how many trials and error has gone under over the years. Even my late parents saw the determination and interest that I had in blogging and had to give in with their reserved support because they never understood it and time (life) wasn't fair to them to make them understand.

The only person who seemed and still seems to understand to am extent as well as support my blogging career is my Dear Husband Pastor John Anietoh.

You can also imagine how much sweat, time, resources, energy, criticism and so on has passed under the bridge over the years. It has really been a roller coaster ride for me so. 

Then early 2019 (about this time three years ago and shortly before my mom's demise) I started this very blog (Hephzibah Anietoh Speaks) as a last trial effort to get it right in blogging. 

What makes you give up on your previous blogs and delete them one might ask... Well not really for lack of content creation but for the simple fact that in each of my previous blogs, whenever I sign up for google ads program I always get disapproved and I felt discouraged to say the least.

Even with this very one with all my years of experience I made major corrections, adjustments and so on and delayed a bit in compliance with some of their policies I still got rejected initially.

It is with great joy that I inform you all that I came online this very morning to discover that my blog has been approved to run ads on the largest publishing platform. You just can't quantify my joy 😊.... After ten (10) whole years of rejection.

The whole point of this story is not to give up on your self nor on your dreams for they are valid. It may take years, may tarry all it wants but if stick in there adamantly it must surely come through for you and come to pass one day just like mine in the aspect of my blogging career has come to pass for me today in Jesus Name. Amen. 

See You At The TopπŸ™πŸ‘Œ

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