
Sunday, January 22, 2023

Business Nuggets For Beginners 101

I came to the realization a few years ago that a paid job whether in the Government’s civil service or in the private sector and no matter how lucrative, big or luxurious the said job might be that working for someone else is not the key to financial freedom which is the innate desire of most adults especially in these harsh economic times.

So I began thinking outside the box and outside my comfort zone. If you have ever been insulted, ridiculed and looked down on because you were broke and financially incapable then by family mainly and friends, you’d understand my pain. And that pain became my kick starter that got me thinking:- What can I do to add to my monthly income? What can I start doing that will earn me a steady second income stream without affecting my day job? 

Due to the fact that I’ve always been a social media dweller, I came online to find my answer. But because I was clueless and without proper mentorship, I began to dabble into a whole lot of things, spending money in a lot of things (or legitimate online businesses) trying to figure out what works but forgetting to figure out that what works for me would be the main deal breaker. 

So I tried my hands on a whole lot of things. You just name it: Network Marketing (on the Longrich Bioscience Business Platform), Affiliate Marketing (on the Digiaffnet Affiliate Marketing Platform), Blogging (I started and built my own blogging site on blogger) and so on.

Some of these investments are still in view and running but I have come to the realization that I am now a jack of all trades but master of none because none is yielding the desired results financially yet and it is all my fault.

Yes, I have to take full responsibility for the success and failure of my life and whatever venture I get involved with. Besides, I have also learned albeit the very hard way that there were some very vital/foundational elements of business that I unknowingly skipped out of both my knowledge base and implementation. Let me share a few of them for us to learn:

Before ever you put in your capital to start any sort of business whether online or offline, make sure you have spent more of that amount of money investing in yourself acquiring as much skill to sharpen the talent and interest in the new area of business, building your knows base, getting meaningful lifetime mentorship. Infact anything that will improve you and your mind first whether or not it puts money into your pocket immediately please and please make sure you acquire such knowledge and mentorship well. You will thank yourself later on.

Similar to the above, get close to mentors that have broken resounding records worthy of emulation in the desired area of business and never let them go.

Copy from your mentors, especially what and what they did wrong in their early business lives, then the lessons they learnt and how they implemented same that later gave birth to the results that is so manifestly evident in them.

Keep on learning, unlearning and relearning as you prepare to start off your own.

Carefully and calculatedly chart your own unique course for originality and possibly greater results than your mentors. They themselves would be proud of whom their wealth of knowledge and experience has produced.

If it is business you ventured into and you really want to succeed and see results, money and wealth grow fast from it YOU MUST AS A NECESSITY MASTER THE ART OF SELLING AND MARKETING YOUR PRODUCTS. It is one thing to have awesome products and services under your sleeves, and it is another thing to really know how to bring them out shamelessly and market them with irresistible offers to your target customers.

For emphasis sake, I repeat: Don’t just know how to sell, become a master at it with unbeatable top notch marketing skills that can stand the test of time.

If it is sweet wealth and automated income as you sleep that is your goal then SELLING AND MARKETING IS THE ONLY ROUTE.

Don’t make the mistake that I made, don’t dabble into so many things at once when you are still in the preparatory phase of going into a business because all of them are sure to fail at once. Find just one high income skill you are keen about and bury your head there in research and acquiring every knowledge there is to learn there.

 Whenever you decide to expand your business horizons and diversify the business into other branches, always go for similar or complimentary business that will still keep you focused on the main or first business venture and can comfortably go with the main business and more importantly, one that won’t necessarily require you learning new marketing or selling skills that are entirely different from what have already mastered. Just simplify your business atmosphere as you aim for greater heights.

From the above, I do sincerely hope that someone out there has been blessed with new insights from these evergreen blueprints that I just mentioned. 

As for me, as the Holy Spirit gave me these revelations, I began to see that the online businesses I ventured into were quite complimentary in nature yes but they were very premature of me as I was initially naïve and unprepared to handle any one.

So now I am on course, I am back on track. I’ve diversified and simplified my business goals, atmosphere and strategies. I’m going to pick one of them for now ( which could mean from now till the next eighteen months), focus on it with all my energy and my heart, then when I have started recording tremendous growth from it, I can now diversify and pick up the others one at a time and at my own pace.

So you my dear friend, what are your plans for 2023 again, how do you intend achieving them and have you gained value from this post. 

If yes please share and let me know. You will be helping somebody’s life as well. 

Thank you so much for your time and see you at the top.

From your Chiamaka Hephzibah Anietoh

Your Legalpreneur.

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