
Friday, August 28, 2020

Benefits of having a Hot Water Bath

We have all had those days when we come back home after a long day wanting to just soak ourselves in water and sleep afterwards (even eating doesn't matter much on such days). The issue however is not taking a shower, it's taking the shower in the right way that will help rejuvenate our tired body cells but also help us have a good night rest and wake up the next day fully bounced back. The secret is having a hot water bath. The benefits of having our bath water heated up is countless. From the very moment when the first drop touches our skin, there is this healing sense of strength and return that cannot be explained. Let's share some of those benefits below: 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Who is a husband supposed to submit to?

The issue of submission is a very delicate, core and often deal breaking when it comes to marital relationship. It is usually of paramount importance to almost all husbands as it touches the position of  their headship in the home. A man can literally jettisoned his wife if he has concluded that his wife doesn't submit to him and in turn doesn't respect him. It has nothing to do with looks or qualification and a man can literally sell his entire generation just to be with a woman who respects his headship by submitting to him. Most women have been trained to recognize and ascribe great importance to submission to her husband in marriage, but the big question now is do men need to submit as well in order to create the desired balance in the home; and if they do need to submit then to who?

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Ten Common Lies Our Men Tell


For most human beings, telling a few lies now and then seems to be a second nature. We all are usually good at telling 'necessary white lies' to either avoid being questioned, attacked or even misunderstood. The men folk are no different as rather than getting into an argument or fight with their we their wives. They'd rather tell a quick little harmless lie to cover up their trail and allow peace to reign. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

A Proverbs 31 Wife

A wife is a woman lawfully and legally married to a man. Every wife is prima facie a woman but not every woman is a wife. The Holy Bible which is the everyday living manual for the Children of God on all aspects of life whether spiritual or physical (including marriage affairs) has spelt out detailed instructions on how marriage as a whole should work if it is to function properly and succeed, the roles and responsibilities of both the husband and wife and how a wife if she is to build up her home and bring favour as well as God's blessings on her husband and entire household must conduct herself.

According to the Bible which is the living word of God, a wife is the only person God calls a helper (or a helpmeet) to another individual (who must be her husband) after the Holy Spirit ( who Himself is God and the third person of the Holy Trinity).

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Who are your friends???

I guess the age-long sayings that birds of the same feather flock together and show me your friends and I will tell you who you are were both borne out of the wise realization that one's friends have a lot to contribute to the actualization or abortion of a man's greatness and destiny fulfilment in life. Friends have a very strong influence in each other's lives. They can either be a ladder to climb to success in life or not just pull one down but also bury one's destiny forever.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Do you want to succeed and be fulfilled in life? Then you must avoid these road pitfalls...

Who doesn't want to succeed and be fulfilled in life? Every living soul wants to even he who is dead lazy. We all desire to finish running our individual races in life with that satisfaction that yes we succeeded and that our success is not just a testimony for those behind but also a lasting legacy for them.

However, since no man is an island and no single tree makes a forest; then we all need people to assist us on our journey to the top. That very journey must be traveled with caution as there would be certain ups and downs, rough paths here and there will we make this sensitive journey to fulfilment in life and some of them are.

Bad Belle People.

How una dey my beautiful people. How has your week  been so far? As for me and my family it's been blessings and favour all the way. Of a truth, the Lord our God has been indeed faithful and we are very grateful.

Now talking about bad belle people (I.e people who are envious and jealous of other people's progress in life and will do anything to kill it), they are just everywhere even down to one's immediate family members.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Relax everything is going to be just fine...

Hello there and how are things with you? What is that problem, challenge or even crisis that you are currently dealing with or that you have dealt with for so long a time that it's began eating you up inside out slowly or that you are at the verge of giving up on even life itself. Is it a health challenge, financial crisis, marital or family woes academic hiccups and so on.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Why are most women attracted to tall guys?

Dear Ladies: Marriage (the type that is healthy, mutually satisfying/fulfilling and lasts forever is beyond just physical looks, fleeting feelings or even a fat bank account. To avoid stories that touch and make us cry...

Monday, June 24, 2019

Bounced Back after a loss

My people how una dey... E don't try no be small. What happened while I was away. Well on my own end I lost my mum on the 7th of May 2019 (last month) her demise officially made my siblings and I orphans (having lost our dad in June 2015, barely four years ago).