
Sunday, April 24, 2022

Jehovah has done it again.

You’re too big for error.

You’re too wise for mistakes.

You are a mighty God

Perfect in all your ways.

You were here before my first breath,

And you’ll be here when nothing else is left.

You are a mighty God

Forever and always

Oh Oh Oh

You loved me in spite of my flaws

You hold me close in the midst of it all

A present help when I am in need

I’m grateful that You won’t give up on me.

-Travis Greene (Thank you for being God).

I see much love Jehovah.... He keeps proving to me that He is Too Faithful To Fail Me and that He is Ever Mindful of Me.💕

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

13 Very Important Advice To Christian Parents of Young Children.

Dear parents never you imbibe the satanic/valueless teachings on today's woke parenting. 

As much as possible, replicate your parents training that made you turn out this good and responsible.

You and your partner alone will be held accountable for the upbringing of your children (not social media or whatever) before God and we all know He never listens to excuses.

Let's go back to our core values that made us who we are as a people. 

You owe it to your children to teach them aright early on in life because whether we like it or not, they are our retirement plan/benefits at our old gray years. Don't live in regret and shame then 

Be very mindful of the external influence you allow around your children especially during their formative years.

Whether you like it or not, how you train and bring up your children is everybody's business because your children if eventually ill-bred will meet with and mix up with the children of others who have slaved and paid the price to train theirs properly in the larger society.... 

Don't let your own children to be the bad influence everyone else is avoiding. There is and should be no sentiment when correcting/disciplining your children. 

Don't be deceived, spare the rod and spoil the child is still an evergreen biblical blueprint for bringing up children.... There are no shortcuts about it. Your cane is still your best ally when correcting your child. My late mum fondly called it "papa teacher".

The child you refuse or neglect to discipline today will cause you rivers of tears tomorrow.

If you make excuses for your children's misbehaviours today, you will most likely hire a defense lawyer tomorrow trying to save their heads from being hanged... God forbid 😢

Above all, put God first as you do your own part in correcting the errors this generation has made in children upbringing.... 

Those who have created this Social media platforms hardly let their children on it. Most of their children don’t have phones. You better pick up your smartness.

May God help us all in Jesus Name. Amen

Thursday, April 14, 2022


 For almost all of us adults, we have learned the hard way that life after graduation from school is no walk in the park. The several unforseen and unplanned harsh realities of job hunting in the professional market after school for a perceived dream job can often lead to frustration when that expectation is not met within record time... And most times it doesn't 😩.

After few or many years of unfruitful job hunting, many of us turn to self-employment which is today termed "ENTREPRENEURSHIP". 

Saturday, April 9, 2022


I made a Post the other day, that I will stand with you if you are divorced once.

But will allow you to stand for yourself, if you are divorcing every time.

And someone asked me, if I am encouraging divorce?

In trying not to be seen as encouraging divorce, we actually encourage death.

Between Stay and Die or

Leave and Be Alive, which one is better?

Between Divorce and Death, which one is better?

Leave in Peace is better than rest in Peace.

Only a fool will choose DEATH over DIVORCE.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022



In the Bible, there is no white church, black church, brown church, red church, yellow church. There is only the blood bought church of Jesus Christ. Jesus did not come to save skins, but to save souls.

Most people don't like to choose ONE WAY (Jesus) that leads to heaven. They prefer to choose their own other (false) ways that leads to Hell. I was thinking to myself, why do people choose other ways? Why can't that choose that ONE WAY which is Jesus? The reason why they DON'T want to choose ONE WAY (Jesus) is because of HOLINESS! They don't want HOLINESS! They want to live their way! And that way leads to HELL!

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Here are few Godly tips on how to calm your husband down.

There are days our men come back worn out and maybe displeased due to one thing or the other that happened during the course of his day. Even without him saying it out loud, he hopes and depends on us to apply our feminine sweetness to take all the nastiness away from their beings.

But many at times, we don't even know this and even when we do, we don't know how.

Below are a few useful tips for us wives to help out awesome husbands feel better after such a long day.


Sex has a way of relaxing a man. You will change his mood when you make love to him, especially if you are the one who seduces him and initiates it


If coming home to you is coming home to yet another argument and fight where you explode and turn everything into an issue, he will dread coming home and it hurts when home is a place to run away from, not to run to


Most women want the husband to ask them "How was your day?", "How did you sleep?" "How are you?" yet they rarely ask the husband these. If these questions make you feel cared for, your husband also wants to feel cared for 


A lot of men can be disorganized, especially when they are going through a lot in life or have a lot on their mind. This chaos in their system, dressing, schedule or environment can lead to more unease on their mind. When you help him clear the clutter and attend to some of his needs without him asking, he will think better 

Be the willing and available partner in your marriage.

This 👆 is what it looks like when you're in a relationship and want it to work but your partner isn't willing to take part. 

For a relationship to work, both parties must be willing to change and want to change. Otherwise, you will be considered unequally yoked with someone and will begin to resemble the image below if you try to do all of the work on your own.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Protecting Your Heart 💜 as a Child of God.

 In today's world of numerous dating apps and endless break-ups, heartaches and so on, a lot of people are weary when it comes to dating and matters of the heart.

As a child of God, because of our precious and unique identity in Christ and the Holy Spirit, a lot more than carefulness is required of us both spiritually and physically before we start catching feelings and all what not.

The Bible tells us in the book of Proverbs 4:23 to "guard our hearts with all diligence for out of it flows out the issues of life" and that "wisdom is profitable to direct - Ecclesiastes 10:10.

That is why as a Child of God it is over important that we cross check with the One who holds the manual for your life before giving your heart to your intended special person and saying"I DO".

Friday, March 25, 2022

Appreciation is the key 🗝️ that unlocks the door of Increase

 This picture below was the circulated photo of a vulture waiting for a starving Sudanese girl to die so it can feast on her. It was taken by Kevin Carter, a prolific photojournalist, during the fa mine of 1993 in Sudan. This photo later won Kevin the Pulitzer  prize for an 'exceptional' caption.